By further exploring historical materials, this paper introduces a clear image of Educational Special Training Course which was vague. 通过进一步发掘史料,原本模糊的北高师教育专攻科的形象比较清晰地展现出来。
Based on the analysis of a great amount of historical materials, this paper has an over-all investigation into xiamen's population changes in recent decades, and finds out several obvious characteristics of xiamen's population. 摘要本文通过对大量历史资料的分析,对近代厦门人口及其变迁做了较为全面的考察,指出近代厦门人口具有几个显著特征。
Based on the historical facts, this paper is to discuss the causes of the Wars of the Roses, the impact of this war on the social development of England and also on the postwar England as a whole. 本文旨在通过对相关历史史实的讨论,试图进一步探讨玫瑰战争爆发的缘由和这场战争对当时英格兰社会发展的意义以及日后对英格兰造成的影响。
While considering the relevant historical materials, this paper highlights the national legal culture communicated by the inscription on the pillar. 本文在梳理相关史料的基础上,着重解读溪州铜柱铭文所传达的民族法文化信息。
It is generally agreed that spinal manipulation has been applied into the treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation ( LDH) for thousands of years according to historical reviews of the paper. 脊柱手法以纠正脊柱畸形或力学失衡为原则治疗腰椎间盘突出症已经有数千年的历史了。
Based on abundant historical facts, this paper discusses how foreign lawyers, had gone through a process in which their career went from prosperity to decline due to the restrictions of kmt's policy, which was under the influence of the rising nationalism thoughts in china. 摘要本文通过翔实的历史资料来说明,在国内民族主义思潮不断高涨的形势下,国民政府的限制政策使得在上海租界执业的外籍律师经历了由盛转衰的过程。
Meteorological data digitization processing is to transfer historical meteorological data on paper medium into electronic information for the purpose of data retrieval and utilization. 气象资料数字化处理是将纸介质历史资料转为电子介质信息,以便对气象资料电子信息进行检索和利用。
Based on the historical documents this paper makes a much detailed exposition of the CDL's character and its change from the point of political party politics and political party movement. 文章以历史事实为依据,从政党政治和政党运动的角度,对民盟政党性质及其变化进行了较为详尽的阐释。
The author made a systemic statistic and arrangement to the serial numbers on the Chinese historical paper money, as well as on the five sets of RMB, and introduced how to collect the RMB according to the serial numbers. 并对中国历史上纸币的字号,特别是五套人民币所用字号做了系统整理和统计,对人民币字号收藏的情况作了介绍。
Since Hong Kong is a very out of ordinary urban region for shortage of land and historical reason, this paper reviews the Hong Kong urban planning system in the respects of administration, operation and planning legislation. 由于土地资源匮乏,加上历史和政治原因,香港是一个与众不同的城市地区。从历史回顾、规划法规体系、行政体系和运作体系等方面评述了香港的城市规划体系。
In the base of The unified principle between the order and Jumping about historical materialism, the paper analyses the theory basis, historical basis and realistic basis about China heaping capitalism society and entering Socialism society. 文章依据历史唯物主义关于人类社会发展依序性和跳跃性相统一的原理,分析探讨了中国社会跨越资本主义发展阶段进入社会主义的理论依据、历史依据和现实依据。
According to the different expressions of women's subjective awareness and existential status in the fiction, and the different social historical backgrounds, this paper will divide 20th-century American women's fiction into three periods and discuss them respectively in three chapters. 根据女性主体意识和生存状态在美国女性小说中的不同表现形式,并结合当时的社会历史背景,本文拟将20世纪的美国女性小说分成三个大的阶段,分别在三个章节中进行讨论。
To start with historical analysis, this paper demonstrates that the essence of the process of Chinese regional pocily is the increase of regional policy gradient. 本文从历史分析入手,用大量事实证明了中国区域政策演变的实质就是倾斜度的提高。
From the historical angle, this paper studies the mining right system and concludes that there was no concept of property right in the history of China and the concept of mining right has occurred only in the modern time. 从历史的角度来研究矿业权制度,认为中国历史上缺乏物权的观念,矿业权的概念只是近代才出现的;
Moreover, Based on analyzing historical materials this paper used primary history, sociology and ethnology of the traditional study methods, and in peculiar, its character is the bond of out door investigations and a large number of documents. 在研究方法上,本文主要使用传统的历史学研究方法,并借鉴了社会学、民族学的研究方法。尤其是将大量田野调查资料与文献资料结合起来进行研究,这也是本文在研究方法上的特点。
Based on numerous historical facts, this paper discusses the tremendous influence of Chinese civilization upon promoting the development of the European bourgeois revolutionary progressive ideological trend. 本文以大量史实论述了中华文明对促成欧洲资产阶级革命思潮的发展所产生的巨大影响。
On the basis of the historical description, this paper concludes the main characteristics of the historical development of moral education policies since 1978. It is a gradual development, dominated and influenced by political situation and practical moral condition. 在此基础之上,分析总结了我国中小学德育政策演进过程中呈现出的主要特征,如渐进式发展,受国家政治形势和中心任务高度制约,受现实道德状况和道德教育实践直接制约等;
With the assistance of historical experiences, this paper will try to offer theoretic approaches to solve the three main problems through analyzing the generation and the evolvement of them from the Chinese perspectives. 本文试图通过分析这三大问题产生的根源和演变并借助历史的经验,以中国为视点,为三大问题的解决提供理论上的途径。
On the basis of large amount of historical facts, this paper offers an objective appraisal on the profound influence of the treaty. 本文在举出大量史实的基础上,客观地评析了这一条约的签订所产生的深刻影响。
Starting from historical materialism, this paper attempts to study what is human and its historical development, and then, by analyzing the three stages of attachment, independence and freedom, to reveal the relationship between the development of the human being and his aesthetic activities. 本文从历史唯物主义出发,首先说明什么是人及其历史发展,再着重从人的发展的依附、独立、自由三阶段来阐述人的发展和人的审美活动的关系。
Base on historical materialism, this paper expose the process of uniformity of the international trade law. 本文在历史唯物论的基础上,阐述了国际贸易法统一的进程。
Based on historical experiences this paper tries to discuss and analyze territorial size, natural resources, population scale, cultural influence and historical opportunities. 本文参照历史经验,从国土面积、自然资源和人口、经济实力、文化影响力、历史机遇等四个方面分析印度崛起为世界性大国的前景。
On the basis of historical materials, this paper sums up and analyses the musical exchange of Fujian from 1840 to 1949 in aspects of music import and export by means of investigation and interview, reference and statistical analysis. 本文运用了调查采访、文献、统计分析等研究方法,在史料的基础上,着重从音乐输入和输出两个方面出发,对1840~1949年福建音乐交流活动进行了初步的整理和分析。
After a discussion on Marx's conceptions of alienation, praxis and "historical science", this paper holds that Marx's revolution of philosophy belongs to the latter. It also discusses the enlightenment by Marx's doctrine in contemporary Chinese culture and philosophical thinking. 本文通过对马克思的异化概念、实践概念和历史科学概念的扼要讨论,指认马克思的哲学革命属于后一种性质,并兼而论及马克思学说对当代中国文化和哲学思想之出路的启示意义。
Based on the fieldwork and recent research on Hui-Tong River historical changes, this paper puts forward the suggestions on the conservation and development of it. 在对会通河历史变迁的研究与实地考察的基础上,结合其在地区发展中的定位,提出了会通河未来保护与发展的建议。
Based on the analysis of their respective historical origins, this paper compares the historical views of the two theories and reveals their essential distinction: Marxism searches objective truth, while Hermeneutics studies text's meaning, and even dissolves meaning, therefore banishing truth finally. 本文通过分析两者的历史渊源,比较两者的历史观,揭示了两者的本质区别:马克思哲学追寻的是客观真理,而解释学则是在文本中进行意义的考古,甚至消解意义,驱逐真理。
Thus, in the relationship of "change" and "unchanged" of the development of historical play, this paper put forward three dimensions to define historical play, i.e. history, art and times. 由此,在历史剧发展历程变与不变的关系中,本文提出界定历史剧的三个维度:历史、艺术、时代。
In the light of the formation and development of the historical materialism, this paper illustrates the global horizon of the historical materialism. 文章从历史唯物主义形成和发展的角度,论述了历史唯物主义是具有全球视野的理论。
Based on an analysis for Nobel Science Prize history and important science discovery historical data, this paper discovered a phenomenon: Scientist's age of importance scientific detection emergence a trend of running high. 通过对诺贝尔科学奖史和重大科学发现史料的研究发现:重大科学发现的科学者年龄出现趋高走势现象。